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NetZero vision


       Chang Gung Memorial University attaches great importance to environmental protection issues and actively promotes energy conservation and carbon reduction measures. It will establish a sustainable development office in 2022 to comprehensively manage the university's sustainable development affairs, develop goals and action plans, and commits to regularly issuing sustainability reports. Integrate the measures and achievements of the school's teaching, research, and environmental governance, and use its own campus as the field to create a sustainable campus from a cross-disciplinary perspective. As for the promotion of net-zero carbon emissions on campus, our school is currently focusing on campus energy conservation and green transportation. Specific actions include using electric campus patrol motorcycles, replacing old energy-consuming equipment, replacing energy-saving lamps, tracking electricity usage, etc. (Details are as follows ). In addition, the school is also actively promoting the use of renewable energy. Currently, a solar power generation device has been built on the roof of the activity center, with an estimated annual power generation of 614,426 kilowatt hours. In the future, it will continue to expand and promote the negative growth of purchased electricity (Scope 2) as the main action policy, with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality on campus by 2050.




Measures and Actions



•  Improve campus energy efficiency
•  Reach the goal of saving 1% of electricity every year
•  Promote carbon neutrality
•   Promote energy transition education
•   Continue to replace old energy-consuming equipment (air conditioners, elevators, refrigerators, etc.) with new ones
•   Establish a smart campus digital platform to strengthen smart management of energy, water resources and waste
•   Fully digitize official documents and digitize meeting materials to reduce paper output
•   Added GoShare (shared electric scooters) and U-bike 2.0 (public bicycle) stations on campus to encourage green energy transportation
•   Conduct greenhouse gas inventory every year and obtain ISO 14064-1: 2018 Greenhouse Gas Verification Statement



•  Improve the energy efficiency of each building
•  Achieve 50% carbon neutrality by 2030
•   Expand solar renewable energy power generation installations
•   Establish reasonable electricity usage benchmark values ​​(EUI, Energy Usage Intensity) for various types of buildings, and propose improvement plans
•   Electrification of fuel equipment
•   To promote green buildings on campus, the shell of new buildings must comply with the heat insulation effect of green building codes
•   Gradually replace fuel official vehicles and motorcycles and switch to electric vehicles and motorcycles
•   Increase electric vehicle infrastructure, such as device charging stations, to encourage campus car electrification



•  Achieve 2050 carbon neutrality goal
•   Plan to electrify all transportation vehicles
•   Increase the proportion of renewable energy electricity to 50 %
•   Promote green buildings on campus and plan for 50% of existing building shells to meet the thermal insulation effect of green building regulations
•   Development of carbon-negative technologies (e.g. CO2 recovery synthetic chemicals), building scientific foundation and R&D energy
•   Develop emerging decarbonized energy sources, such as hydrogen energy and ammonia energy